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How Do We Become A State School of Character? (Virtual)

  • Wednesday, September 18, 2024
  • 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • ZOOM


Registration is closed

Have you heard about other schools being recognized as State Schools of Character or National Schools of Character and wondered what they did to get that recognition?  Or have you been working hard to build a caring, responsive, safe, and positive school culture and are unsure of the process or steps to applying?  If so, this workshop is for you.  Participants will learn about the Kansas State Schools of Character recognition, the application process, the standards articulated in “11 Principles Framework for Schools” (character.org), and how to plan, implement, assess, and sustain their comprehensive character development initiatives.  Participants will also learn what Kansas Schools have gone through in the process. It is recommended that participants purchase “The 11 Principles of Effective Character Guidebook” by Character.org.

It is recommended that participants purchase “The 11 Principles of Effective Character Guidebook” by Character.org.

Presenter: Noalee McDonald-Augustine

Credit: Hours (2.5), PD Points (2.5)

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