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Effective Behavior Interventions

  • Wednesday, July 17, 2024
  • 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
  • SHESC Salina, 605 E. Crawford, Room 2


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This workshop is designed to help teachers, counselors, and specialists who have one or two students with challenging behaviors.  These behaviors can include chronically disrespectful, disruptive, failing academically, inactive and unresponsive, and physically dangerous or assaultive.  Participants will learn how to plan and implement validated, tiered strategies to increase motivation and improve behaviors.  Participants will also learn how to use data to ascertain the reason for the behavior, apply targeted, evidence-based interventions, and evaluate results. 

Course Objectives: 

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Develop and implement effective evidence-based interventions for individual students.
  • Use data to monitor and adjust interventions for students. 
  • Identify and assist students who are experiencing severe emotional problems.
  • Change the behavior of challenging students and reduce the need for referrals to special education.

The “Early-Stage Interventions” book by Randy Sprick, Ph.D. will be provided. 

Presenter: Noalee McDonald-Augustine

Credit: Hours (6), PD Points (6), College Credit (.5)

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